Thursday, 10 April 2014

Old Spice India - Cant even do a decent copy of a commercial

If you have seen the original old spice commercials then you know how I feel.  I feel sad.  Very very sad at how badly we can screw up even copying a commercial.
And for a commercial that requires the bare minimum of acting, Milind fails miserably.  Really Milind? Is it that difficult to pull it together for just 60 seconds?  You do know that this is meant to be a slapstic spoof right?  Not an audition for a Bollywood item number!

There is absolutely no emotion in his voice.  He doesnt space the sentences in the right places and places the emphasis on absolutely the wrong words.  He rattles on at breakneck speed in barely legible English and the expressions on his face are, well, just all wrong.

You cant blame Milind entirely.  The scriptwriters were clearly uninspired or half asleep when they wrote this lame copy. And the big cheeses at Old Spice need to shoulder some of the blame too- Considering the amount of money it would cost to pay Milind and produce this commercial, you think they would want a decent bang for their buck.

So so sad.

Milind and Old Spice India get my unequivocal thumbs down. And how!

If you want to see how it should have been done:

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